Sunday, 3 January 2016

Secret lives

The New Year is now here and most of us will be back going about our daily business, on the tube, in an out of offices, and queuing up to scan our groceries in Tesco’s or Waitrose, our faces and inscrutable mask and not giving away anything about the person we are underneath. Admittedly these days we are more aware that the blandest looking of us still have sex lives and fantasies, but I still like to think that no one seeing Elizabeth at a cafe table quietly reading  over a double espresso,

is someone who is the author of salacious literature and  runs a blog whose principal purpose is to stimulate people’s erotic  imaginations and add a little spark to their sex lives, with a partner or alone in the privacy of their bedroom.

I do think that it’s good for all of us to be able to glory in that very anonymity, but for some it is more extreme than others. Take at a look at this rather bland looking female, nether ugly nor especially  pretty and someone you would hardly give a  second glance in public.

But this person has a secret  that I for one would never have guessed, and one that would be quite a shock for anyone who gets to take her home having chatted her up at a party.

Or this young man, perfectly attractive  to look at and with the sort of sensitive face you might expect to find on someone training for the priesthood.

Just the sort of  pleasant looking lad a girl could take home to meet her parents, for once happy that they would not disapprove, and would certainly find him a huge improvement on some of those quite unsuitable types she’s been out with in the past.

But no, he’s a dyed in the wool sex perv, into bondage and humiliation and all sorts of naughty goings on that the local vicar would not approve of.

(Going off at tangent at this point, in Educating Anna there’s a long section where Anna and her delicious but very wicked young  companion Mouse contrive to get a young man tied to the bedposts, and having done so tease and torment him in all sort of ways, only releasing him after his second  ejaculation knowing that only after that would he have  the staying power to serve their joint needs. But that’s another subject entirely!)

At certain times of year you might well find your local newspaper posting pictures of wholesome looking studious girls who have just graduated after a long periods of dedicated studies at their books,

and if you thought about them at all you would approve of their single minded dedication and concern with all things academic, not appreciating that later they will be celebrating their sucsess by putting on a private sex show for their boyfriend,

who will have his own ideas  about making sure his lady love does not get too much above herself now she has got a degree.

(Not that this sort of treatment is especially new to her having been subjected to much the same in her dormitory days, and frankly rather enjoyed it!)

A sort of boyfriend of mine (don’t ask!) during  one of those twilight moments so many of us slip into during that sweet moment  just  after having sex confessed to me that a pulp fiction cover he used to see in a shop window on his way to school (aged sort of twelve) gave him  a stiffy every morning, and that even now some twenty odd years on in a successful career and with a full and vibrant sex life, it is something he still conjures up in his head and has a quiet wank over from time to time.

We are all sexually complex and the world is a better place for that, so whatever naughty things you might be into, do take pleasure in  that secret life you live in your head or your  bedroom.

In a world increasingly beset by petty regulation and surveillance cameras it’s the one thing they can’t take away from you. 


Have a happy and naughty New Year all of you!


  1. Oh, Liz, I am sure that anyone seeing you would be able to tell at once that you are no innocent girl ;)

    But, yeah, your post hit home in ways you may not realize.

    You see, a teacher has a ridiculous standard that she is held to. There must not be even a HINT of anything sexual/kinky/etc about her even if in completely in private life. Many a teacher's career has been ruined because she did something, went somewhere, said something, etc in her own time and well away from school, that someone did not apporve of.

    I am not complaining, I went into teaching with my eyes open that this is how things were.

    It is just a shame that things need to remain so secret.

    I am thinking that some of the biggest and kinkiest surprises would come from teachers, catholic schoolgirls, nuns, and female cops !!


  2. That's got my imagination going! Could be some posts on this!



  3. so here we are and what is in store for naughty girls/ladies/nymphs and even us chaps in 2016

    i feel that Elizabeth may already have plans....................

    however, however reflecting on the thoughtful thoughts of Amber my mind turned to St Trinians and being an English tradition to her, you Amber, it may mean nothing

    if not do let us know as i'm sure Elizabeth will be able in the English expression 'knock your socks off'

