Tuesday, 5 January 2016

The Slut Dress

Christmas is a time, now don’t be shocked by what I am about o say , when we celebrate Christ’s birth. Never mind that personally I don’t believe in any sort of God, the fact is that is what the whole  shebang is all about, the tree the mistletoe the pretend Santas and spending most  of our disposable income on  presents for people  we don’t really like. It’s all to do with religion.  That being the case, why is it that half the female population show how  much they care about this sacred and holy time by dressing up in their newest tightest and shortest slut dress? At least that’s how it seems. I’ve been to a number of parties over the period and the slut dress does seem to be the garment of choice for those who really want to show just how deeply religious they are.

The standard item is little more than a short length of bicycle inner tube stretched over a girl’s middle section, artfully designed to show everything at its lascivious best, neat little arse,

great lengths of lovely leg,

and elegant back.

Those who are deeply religious  and barely a hair’s breadth away from joining a nunnery go the whole hog and show as much kissable breast as they can as well for the  benefit of fellow believers, and in the process attracting a good number of worshippers of God’s beautiful things.

I just hope that these girls understand the basic rules of the slut dress namely that when you get home with whoever you go home with you really have to behave like a slut or you’ve been wasting everybody’s time (including your own.) If you’re one  of them, looking on the bright side, there’s so many ways of behaving like a slut that you never need to run out of ideas. You can get out those boobs you’ve been flaunting all evening and let  the lucky man you’re with see that  they were well worth waiting for,

and after that you can roll around on the table giving him a full on sex show,

 before starting the first stages of relieving him of that painful erection he’s had from the first moment he saw you in that  incendiary dress.

Of course, Christmas or not, what these girls must never  forget is that the punishment for dressing like a slut is not only to be treated as a slut,  but also to be soundly spanked. (It’s somewhere in the Bible I promise you.)

 And of course, the sluttier the dress the longer and more thorough the spanking has to be,

so next time you’re  at a party and you see a girl wearing one of these garments, take a pleasurable five minutes in visualising her struggling bare bottomed across the knee of her boyfriend or room mate after she gets home.

And if you’re really lucky, you might be the lucky person getting to do it.

P.S. What? Have I ever been spanked for wearing  a slut dress? I’ll leave you to make your  own decision on that one!   


  1. To a man such as myself who has for as long as I can remember been an ardent admirer of ladies legs, long live the slut dress, the shorter the better.
    I haven't had many motoring accidents over the years but one that I do remember was all down to me. I was looking at this very attractive lady wearing an extremely short skirt when the traffic in front of me stopped and I ran into the vehicle in front of me!!
    So lets hear it for the mini skirt/dress and god bless all you ladies for wearing it. :-)

  2. yes that does have one panting - thanks Sir S

    on my return, from meanderings around the world, for Xmas last month i made a pilgrimage to the birthplace of the mini on the King's Road at Markham Place and - ha it is a pasty shop now

    however, however just across the road there still is the Chelsea Potter but not a mini in sight, just skin tight leggings however perhaps with Spring nearly around the corner........................


  3. Not wishing to be the cause of motoring accidents, from now on I'll only wear a short skirts well covered with a long over coat.(Confession, I happen to know from experience that way it will have even more impact when the coat comes off in a restaurant or at a party!)

    And James, much as I love living in darkest Somerset, I do sometimes miss my days swanning up and down the King's Road and the scruffy pleasures of The Picasso Cafe and of course the Pheasanrty.

    You've brought it all back!


    1. I agree Liz, the flash of thigh over a long coat as the lady is walking is a beautiful sight and guaranteed to keep me looking more so than just the short skirt. You are a delicious little tease. I'm pleased to say :-)
      The Pheasantry, ah, when it was just that, and not a pizza express as it is now. Memories, eh Liz :) :)

  4. Not wishing to be the cause of motoring accidents, from now on I'll only wear a short skirts well covered with a long over coat.(Confession, I happen to know from experience that way it will have even more impact when the coat comes off in a restaurant or at a party!)

    And James, much as I love living in darkest Somerset, I do sometimes miss my days swanning up and down the King's Road and the scruffy pleasures of The Picasso Cafe and of course the Pheasanrty.

    You've brought it all back!


  5. Ah yes. There are 3 times you can be sure the slut dress will come out. The christmas party, the new years eve party, and the halloween party. Well I take that back, the halloween party is really a slutty costume time.

    We all have several slut dresses in the closet. Way too stretchy/tight for panties, too low cut for a bra, and way short. And of course there is the accessories of the stockings and garter belt.

    And the guys know that as the eggnog and wine gets consumed, those dresses are going to get more careless in keeping things covered.

    Single girls will have already picked out their victims to tease. And those with boyfriends, well, we are pretty much guaranteed to get a long thorough spanking for our wanton ways before things progress to the more lubricious activities. And hopefully the single girls get the same.

    Yes the slut dress is a sure way a girl gets the attention and if lucky, the punishment and reward she deserves.


  6. Summertime is my favourite time for the short skirts and dresses. Although it seems as though when I find myself in Essex, the microskirt can be seen even on the coldest evening.

    I say, Amber, you are a norty lass that needs a good thrashing, my dear.


  7. My goodness, Sir, haven't you been busy trawling through my humble site! I hope that I've set your loins tingling and that I will continue to do so!


  8. Liz,

    I have just gotten back and I was glad to see you are back with some wild posts. I will start by doing my sexercises so I will look good in my slut dress.



  9. needless to say ladies i have been giving some thought to the 'slut dress'

    innocent that i am i wonder ladies just realise the effect these have, often of course we know ladies dress to impress other ladies quite competitively

    however, however i have been wondering what we chaps can do in er sort of retaliation

    we need to know just what affects the ladies in our dress mode - gawd we know what affects them when one is dishabille but honestly looking across the room at some cocktail party or event what makes a lady go 'i have to have him - now'


  10. Hmm! Have yet to watch Andrew Davis' War and Peace (swat that I am, I read it voluntarily aged about fourteen, though can remember little of it now) but have taped it and will catch up whenever I have a free hour. But the vibe from the press seems to be that it's phwoarre territory for the female sex. (I do hope so!) So do try and watch it, James, as you might get a few pointers in the right direction.


  11. aha, i too had taped it so have just done a fast forward glimpse

    so monday off to my tailors for braided 'bum freezers' - as they are called, in vivid colours, dark blue red flashes and gold bling and with those tight breeches will probably need an 'albert' with silken thigh tie.................

    as ever Elizabeth, thanks for the stimulating thoughts ideas, ideas, ideas - all to be made reality



  12. just browsing back over comments and wondering about one thing

    however before that, is there any way to look just at overall comments, having to browse through by rolling is just too exciting - i think long ago Amber had the clue to this...........?

    however to my point there is still no explanation over there 'ejacuation' i repeat 'ejacuation' point i raise a few postings back, come surely if not Elizabeth then perhaps Amber or Barbee----Help



  13. ok still hanging around before Saturday night takes off - how does one get a picture instead of the orange blob thing, my google account shews a picture but, but, but



  14. .........and why is my last posting timed 10:38 when it is actually 18:44

    ah perhaps Elizabeth is in another time zone but Somerset, if that where she be, is not too far off the meridian


    1. Oh dear, James, not sure I am able to help at all:-

      1. Even I have problems checking old blog posts and don't know of any other way of doing it but manually. If ever my life settles down I must get on top of that sort of thing.

      2. What orange blob on what?

      3. Do I take it that at some point I spelled ejaculation wrongly? And me a girl who spends a reasonable amount of her life writing about sex! If there's more to it than that, do remind me and I'll try to answer you.

      (Oh how wonderful it would be to have a secretary or PA to sort out this sort of thing for me! (Trouble is the chances are I would end up in bed with her and be in even more trouble!))


  15. Interesting question James.

    I am not sure a man can pull off a slut attire. I can't imagine what it would be.

    However, a man in uniform, or a tailored suit, well, that will get a girl weak in the knees and getting all kinds of salacious ideas.

