Sunday 1 November 2015

Housework, lazy slatterns, and spanking

Once upon a time it was all very simple. If you were  the lady of the house and didn’t do the housework, dad or husband would deal with  the situation in a simple way.


“You dirty little slattern!” He would say and you would be taken across his  knee, your knickers pulled down and your bare bottom thoroughly spanked.



“No Daddy! No!” You  would cry, your legs threshing up  and down as the  sting in your bottom became too much to bare . “Don’t spank me, and you really shouldn’t  pull my knickers down!” But you would be ignored and your spanking would continue till you promised to be good and do the housework which you did, looking back at your  tormentor with a look of sullen resentment.


But things have moved on from those days. Its 2015 and women are liberated and lots of them live in their own households and make their one decisions from morning till night.


But the housework still has to be done, so what’s the answer!


Well, some girls use their imaginations and try and pretend that it’s fun, maybe imagine  that they are employed in some grand house and that it’s  their job to do it, making up scenarios in their head about the things that might happen as they  go about their daily chores.




Or they could see themselves as a sort of Cinderella  figure, hanging out the clothes in the garden.



while the ugly sisters  sunbathe and look back at her contemptuously.




Females who earn lots of money of course can employ people to do it for them, and from my experience are even more demanding than the patriarchs from way back and given half a chance would happily take their little helper across their knee, take down their knickers and spank their bare bottoms while they threshed their legs and protested.



As they can’t do that (Human Rights and all that sort of thing: ask at your local legal  advice office)   they have to resort to persuasion  and cajoling if things are not done to their satisfaction.



What they would really like is to have  nice young man come and do all the chores  for them,



and although that’s just a day dream, it doesn’t stop them taking out the odd half hour here and there to think about it.




Men of course are in the same situation these days, so many of them having to look after themselves, and although it’s not something that men tend to talk about, maybe they also use their  imaginations to make it fun.   

    The world moves on and evolves, and we move on with it, but things don’t always change for the better. So maybe  the answer is to go back to first principals. Get the man in your life to pay you a visit and pretend that some sixty odd years haven’t passed and its nineteen fifty five and the Beatles are years away and he’s still resentful that women have been given the vote.    He’s got the script you outlined and is happy to play his part.


“You dirty little slattern!” He would say and you would be taken across his  knee, your knickers pulled down and your bare bottom thoroughly spanked.




“No Daddy! No!” You  would cry, your legs threshing up  and down as the  sting in your bottom became too much to bare . “Don’t spank me, and you really shouldn’t  pull my knickers down!” But you would be ignored and your spanking would continue till you promised to be good and do the housework.


The trouble is. I suspect that at this point the two of you might forget the script and shortly you would be making the place  even more of a mess than  when you started!







  1. Let's go back to first principles. She can always clean up the mess after her knickers have been taken down and she has been soundly spanked and used.
    Sounds good to me. Excellent suggestion Liz .

  2. Thanks Liz, I wont think of housework the same way again lol

    In fact I may have to just let it get a bit sloppy a couple times a week ;)



  3. Elizabeth

    as ever quite priceless - the vacuum with the snaking connecting tube could bring tears however the 'slattern' description, perfect

    and ah Amber uses that wonderful Victorian word 'wont' as in 'I'm wont to be inclined that way today' that has such style

