Saturday 7 November 2015

O.C.D ?

Now I admit to always being determined to make a decent job of anything i set out to do, but I’m the least obsessive compulsive person you’ll ever come across and tend to take a pretty relaxed attitude to life generally.

So what  is it with me and this photograph? It’s beautifully shot, visually arresting  and manages to be both very sexy and witty at the same time. Couldn’t be better!

But if you look carefully, the gusset of the girl’s panties has slipped slightly off centre and it bugs me. I have this overwhelming need to reach out and slip it back in to place and make the image perfect. 

Or could it be that this urge of mine is generated by other motives entirely?     


  1. The more I read your blog the more I think you might have another motive! I know what I would like to do and I'm sure most of the other readers of the blog would like to do the same. That bottom is too tempting not to caress

  2. yes the 'gusset' problem and i thought that was just my perfection obsession as this oft happens

    i have discussed with friends of 'our interest' that we should have as 'gusset party' think about it

    there would of course be suitable punishments administered - trouble is many of these minxes would spend an age standing over a mirror deliberately misaligning


  3. I am not a fan of pantyhose. In fact I don't think I own any run-free pair at the moment.

    You do have the most interesting ideas James. A gusset party. And we still have Liz's peek into your naughty girls room to look forward to.

