Sunday 23 August 2015


Look girls, this is strictly between ourselves, so if any men happen to be reading this, could you kindly just go off and, I don’t know tidy your sock drawer or watch football or whatever you like to amuse yourselves with . Honestly, you have our full permission!

OK,  alone at last! What I wanted to say to the girls is this, if you want guaranteed results with the man that you’re already with, you know getting him like this:-

or to get  some new gorgeous stranger in your snare, forget the plunging neckline or the obscenely short skirt, effective though these can be (I’ll have to do a separate post on both of them). No, for cast iron fail safe results, simply put your hair in bunches or plaits and the job is done. 

There’s some thing about this that men simply can’t resist, and its almost certainly something to do with our looking all school girly and innocent so needing their  protection and of course having to behave and doing what they tell us  (for our own good of course!)  And of course, when we look like this, should we be naughty, they simply have no choice but to teach us the sort of lesson that apparently can only be learned across his knee, but as it’s the very thing we hoped he’d do, it’s all part of the fun.

And having both punished and forgiven us he is likely to be feeling benevolent  so in a fit of kindness he could well teach us some new party games. What  the forfeits might be I’ll leave you to imagine.

With your hair in bunches you are saying, “I’m not a high flying International woman of business who will be a challenge to you, I’m simply a little girl who needs taking home and looking after.” 

And if some kind sweet man does look after you, well you’re happy to drop hints that you would be prepared to show your appreciation in all sorts of surprisingly grown up ways. 

And of course if you organise it that a man comes across you when not only are you all in full little  girl mode, but  in distress as well because for example some nasty person has just stolen your panties (well it could happen!)

well, how can any man not rise to the occasion? 

And for those of us who find ourselves under the protection of one of our own kind, the same rules still apply. In my experience, girls tend to be much stricter than men, so putting your hair in bunches and then stepping out of line with one of the gentler sex will almost certainly mean  having to endure a long lingering session across her knee, but as that will almost certainly lead to a long lingering session across her bed afterwards, where’s the problem?

Anyway I’m sure you’re all getting the picture, so try it out and see just how well it works, though I somehow suspect that a lot of you knew all this anyway.

 And as that’s more or less all I want to say, all you men can come back now. What have we been talking about while you were away? Oh the latest collection from Yves St Laurent, what else?

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