Thursday 27 August 2015


Whatever happened to wenches?  Wenches were lusty busty and thrusty, a fine pair of lush breasts being a vital part of the job description and they always dressed so that their bounty was  permanently on the verge of spilling out as they leaned over the tables.

Wenches were simple county girls in some distant past we all have some vague idea about, their natural habitat being in a tavern dispensing pints of foaming ale and good  cheer, a smile on their face and a mischief in their heart.

Wenches had to be robust as they were always being pulled into corners and kissed, their bottoms slapped and pinched and their breasts fondled and grasped by lustful customers. Wenches were cheeky and mischievous, and when they went too far they took it for granted that they would find themselves over the squire’s knee having their bottom soundly spanked, but as they enjoyed this as much as the squire, everyone was happy. 

Wenches were feline creatures, smouldering and purring and rubbing themselves sinuously against the legs of those they liked and, like cats, even jumping up to sit in the laps of their favourites when so inclined, their rewards being caresses and delicious little treats.

When not in the bar wenches tended to be in a wood being thoroughly rogered up against a tree or on a mossy bank, and if not, in one of the tavern bedrooms making sure that the comely young gentleman who is staying there has got everything he needs for the night.

In a modern world wenches would be to political correctness what the Ku Klux Klan are to racial harmony, but all the better for that. They were happy, uncomplicated and overflowing with life’s simple pleasures, and as such things as neurosis or depression hadn’t been invented in their day, even when on their own they found ways to keep themselves amused.

But where are they all now? Who knows, but I know where all the lusty tavern gentleman are. They are all hedge fund managers or working in call centres selling IT. And they call it progress! 

1 comment:

  1. Fortunately gorgeous wenches can still be found at least in the yearly Oktoberfest celebrations. The Germans do know a good thing beyond making good beer to have designed the drindl to flatter and accentuate a lady's gorgeous curves. Of course here in America and elsewhere too, the drindl's traditional skirt has been raised significantly to flirty mini levels much to the delight of wick naughty devils everywhere, sober or not! Oktoberfest celebrations are like Christmas for naughty devils with the gorgeous wenches being the presents (the beer is okay too, gets spilled a lot when gorgeous drindl costumed wenches are present and helps to start the flirting.) This naughty devil can't stop smiling and sure looks forward to to the gorgeous wenches of Oktoberfest all year long, Proust mein Liebling wenches! ND =;)
