Thursday 8 October 2015

Downton Abbey re-visited

I managed to watch the last episode of Downton  Abbey the other night, the principal event being Carter  the butler marrying Mrs Hughes. (Poor woman, imagine having to put up with that pompous bore every day for the rest of your life!)

Probably best not to imagine their honeymoon, (I’m a sensitive soul and easily upset by heavy pornography), but on the other hand it is quite fun to  think about what could have happened  when  Carter  as newish footman met young Elsie for the first time.  (Yes, that is her name.) In her early days before she became serious and a bit sour I see her as young and a bit cheeky and inclined to cut corners whenever she had the chance,

and Carter being keen to exercise his new authority taking  advice from the old handyman. “What should I do about young Elsie?” He asks him.

“Give her a good spanking. That’s what all those young maids need!” He was told. “That’s what I give them anyway, a good spanking without knickers.”

So Carter cornered young Elsie  and told her that was how he was going to be punished for her naughty ways .

“Well, if you must, Mr Carter.” She said, fixing him with a smile that was still in his heart fifty odd year later when he finally got round to proposing. “Without knickers you say. That sounds exciting!” And obediently took them off.

“What a nice arse!” Carter thought as this was before he had turned into the pompous old git he had become by the time he hit our screens. “A man could have a lot of fun with an arse like that!”

and promptly put her over his knee. “Have you been spanked before?”  He asked her and was surprised when she told him that in her last job she had been spanked lots. “What a bad girl you must be then.” He replied. I’ll have to make a thorough job of this one then!" and set to with joy in his heart and a throb in his underpants.

“I hope you’ve earned your lesson!” He said to her when he’d finally let her up, not realising that not only was there a fire in her pretty young bottom, but there was another one in her loins as well.  Feeling suddenly that a lot of work was needed below stairs he went off and  attended to it with his usual attention to detail,

all the while imagining this new and very cheeky young maid with even less on than when he’d been spanking her!

What it did not occur to him was that being spanked by him had really taught young Elsie a lesson, so much so that she also had to go and have a bit of a lie down so she could think about it at length.

But  the thing is, both of them being slaves to the conventions of the time, they felt so guilty about their lustful thoughts and actions that after that they were too shy ever to allude to the incident again. Both became hard working and dutiful and lived blameless lives for the next fifty or so years.

So read this with care and make sure that should you ever find yourself being spanked by a gorgeous young man, make sure you are even more wicked afterwards so you never find yourself living a virtuous and blameless life, which as we all know is nothing but a long slow death!


  1. In my humble opinion, every naughty maid deserves to be spanked on her knickers down bare bottom. And every butler should do his duty and see that her naked rear end feels feel's his hand, paddle, hairbrush, birch rod, cane or whip.

  2. ah the under the carpet sweeping is priceless, where do you get these pictures or are you an illustrative artist too

    the Downtown thing has passed me by but from all i hear i shall not be suggesting i be given the box set for Xmas

    the wedding i was aware of as a 'quality' national daily had a virtually full page picture on is front page days before the event - what's the world coming to i wrote to the editor, as i do occasionally - the previous time i got a kindly response to say it was not possible to print my letter but if i sent £9.99 plus postage i could have book they had produced with unpublished letters including most of mine - a flogging is needed..............

  3. ah that is interesting i see that the 'administrator' presumably one of Elizabeth's nymphs had removed a comment

    i had wondered about the apparent freedom E enables us, as comments immediately appear which surprised me as there are some odd people out there of an unpleasing aspect

    so hurrah, Ivory Tower will remain unsullied
