Sunday 25 October 2015

The sisterhood of the spanked


Three exquisitely spankable females, each as perfect in their own way as can be. The first limpid eyed, bare bottomed and expectant, waiting in the bedroom for her lover, unsure what his visit will mean, but whatever it might be, knowing that she wants it to happen. Whatever arabesques their journey to it might take, they will inevitably end the night with their naked limbs twined together like honeysuckle tendrils. That is a given, and if means that first her delectable buttocks will have been sequinned with pain, then it will only mean that all their other congress will be so much sweeter.

The next a girl is already in position to be punished, across his knee and her spanking so imminent that in her head she can already feel the kiss of his hand on her not yet bared flesh.

She has put on ankle socks to show that she accepts that whatever she may have achieved in her life, right now  she is no more than a naughty little girl in need of being taught a lesson. 

It won't be long now. Her dress is so short that even before it has been pulled up her little black panties are visible, and in a moment he will have taken them down and her innocence will be behind her. She will have joined the sisterhood of the spanked, and ever after she will know exactly what to expect.

And lastly a girl, possibly a bit too sexy for her own good, blatantly displaying all she has, her long sleek legs and her polished and perfumed pudenda, so groomed and buffed she considers it as waste not to show it off.

She'll pay the price of course, they way we all have when we’ve got too pleased with ourselves, (don't remind me!) wriggling and gasping across the knee as her perfect bottom is soundly spanked  to remind her that even these days a little modesty is not such a bad thing.


  1. And what a wonderful sisterhood to be part of.

    So grateful that there are still men (well women too of course) that have not been cowed by militant feminists and meddlesome progressives, who still know that what a naughty girl needs is a nice long session over his muscular thighs for a good spanking complete with all the style and ritual and congress associated with it.



    1. ah yes needs - knowing the difference between 'wants' and 'needs'

      we chaps, well some of us, really know what our muscular thighs are for

      this really is a most profound site

      thanks Amber
