Tuesday 27 October 2015



Strange that sometimes out of nowhere  you suddenly start to feel overwhelmingly and out of all control horny.



Your whole body is tight with it and you have to stretch and strain to fight the urges coursing through you, suddenly discovering that you are touching yourself and hoping that no one saw!



You see everything with different eyes; some one or some thing in your life that previously was bland and sexless,


suddenly has a potential potency that you want to take advantage of.



But it only gets worse, and then you want people to see, want them to know that you are ripe and juicy and in need of release and hoping that someone, anyone, will offer  it to you.  You flirt and goad, pout and pose,



and know that you are in danger of making a fool of yourself but not caring a bit. 

You contrive to be seen when you are changing in some semi public place, 


or adjust your clothing  when you can be sure that all eyes will be on you. 


Like being drunk, some part of you knows that you will regret your wanton behaviour tomorrow, but right now you don’t care. You want it all, be wanked and spanked, fucked and fondled,



 penetrated and pleasured,




If someone said that you are behaving like a little brat who needs a damn  good spanking,



you would be hanging round their neck in a second and saying that, yes, that is exactly what you need and offering yourself up for it in the most blatant way you can contrive.




But don’t despair, for this condition help is always at hand, even if it’s only your own,





and once the word gets out, the chances are that there will be no shortage of kind people offering their services.




Such a shame that with our National Health Service at breaking point, it’s not something that you can get instant relief from at the A and E!



  1. to post a comment one needs to go to the 'no comments' section and after this last posing from the 'insatiabe one' i feel almost inclined also the say No Comment

    what can one say, one is breathless, well let's start, that last lady certainly know how to handle things - phew, the bulging bra too makes one wonder how long she can hold him back - as i say phwew

    and i just love that expression 'you want it all, to be w, s & effed'

    well here's one that cannot keep up so i'll go back and reread all.....................er, thanks Elizabeth


  2. Happy to know that I seem to have at least one satisfied customer!


  3. It can be a very frustrating thing too.

    Especially if boyfriend is so engrossed in football, that efforts to entice him away to take care of needs are futile.

    Or I am at work and start thinking of the last night's activities or of the morning's unfinished "business" because one of us was running late.

    And the more you try to think of something else, the worse it gets. Until with panties moist, face flushed, you hope no one else in the teacher lounge knows what is going thru your head. As happened yesterday.

    So I kept sending sex texts to boyfriend. He is not allowed to turn off his phone and he has to pay attention to every call/text so I know he was seeing them. I got very explicit and made it quite clear what I would have done to him and expected done had we had time in the morning instead of rushing out.

    Well I had his attention alright. He promised all kinds of spankings for calling his work phone and sexting. I was a mess the rest of the day with anticipation and horny as all get out.

    Work day ended, got home and he did so too not more than a few minutes later and FINALLY was able to get some relief. Well worth the "punishment" of course. ;)



  4. mm... now there are two

    plus, of course, all the lurkers that i'm told peak but dare not raise their sneaky heads above the parapet


  5. Yes, I feel I got my money's worth with this post. Thank you. I am fast approaching the state of "hornyness", my girlfriend Stephanie is out of town on business so I'm left to my own devices for satisfaction. I may go shopping for a large teddy bear!


  6. oh, were we girls then us chaps would certainly like to be Barbara's teddy bear/bears

  7. I believe there was a song by Elvis that had the line,"I want to be your teddy bear". When I saw the photo of the giant teddy laying on top of the woman it gave new meaning to the lyrics of the song and why Elvis and James and all men would want to be a teddy bear!

  8. It looks as if the teddies seem to have come out of this well!

    How does that old song go...

    "If you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise....! "

  9. yea, there's a play on these words that go

    'and they had their pics nicked'

    naughty careless bears..........................

    1. What I remember is:-

      Beneath the trees where nobody sees/ They drop their pants and have a squeeze.....
