Tuesday 6 October 2015

Jilly Cooper and the lesbian novel

Apparently Jilly Cooper,  that doyenne of Home Counties bonk buster authors is considering writing a new book with lesbian love scenes as “There is so much of it about!”  Well good for you, Jilly and  I hope it sells by the shed load.

It will sell  of course, partially because she’s Jilly Cooper who we all love to bits, but partially because gay or straight, most of us love to dwell on the pleasure of a bit of  steamy girl on girl action.

For the benefit of those of you who are reading this blog for the first  time, I am one of the breed that modern pundits call  “Sexually flexible,”  that is   I’m fundamentally heterosexual but have Sapphic interludes which means I enjoy lesbian erotica as much as anybody. But apart from that, and here I’m not saying anything profound or original, men absolutely love it. They get to fantasise about two gorgeous unclad females fingering and fondling and licking and sucking, in short doing all the things to each other that men want to do to us.

And as most men love the idea of having a threesome, when looking at images of, or reading about two naked nymphs enjoying each other’s bodies, they can fantasise about their being there as well, and being in receipt of their sexual largess.

Most  of my exclusively lesbian friends report the same thing when they tell a man who is showing an interest in them that they are gay, namely an initial reaction of fascinated disbelief, then a period when the men go into  a sort of happy interlude as they try to imagine the sorts of things the female in question gets up to, and then a temporary  re issue of their offers of dinner and the rest, part of them convinced that after a long satisfying fuck from a “real man” like them that  the girl would wake up cured and the two of them could go riding off into the sunset together. I could write a whole blog article about this, but another time.

I do have to say that those of us like me who swing both ways do have a huge advantage when it comes to having a little bit of naughty on the side. Telling George you can’t see him on Wednesday because you’re  having a  girly evening out with young Felicity doesn’t ruffle his feathers at all, and should any snooping friend report to him that they saw you in a trendy wine bar the other evening, sure enough you weren’t there with  some flashing eyed Lothario but with pretty young Felicity as you said. What you and Felicity got up to when you got back to her  flat afterwards is another matter entirely.

If he knew I’m sure he would be quite turned on by it and/or punish you appropriately, but that’s yet another benefit of being sexually omnivorous.

And a of bit of a confession. I did a post recently on the Sexy Innocent, and at least two of my special  friends easily fit that  description, overwhelmingly cute and prone to get themselves in trouble, so not difficult for me to find flimsy excuses to expose and spank their mischievous little bottoms.

The relevance of this is that almost certainly more than half of the spanking images on the internet are girl on girl. As  I am convinced that in one of Ms Cooper’s early books her female narrator finds herself being spanked over the knee of some  dominant boyfriend, if she decides to include a spanking scene with one of her lesbian couples it would certainly guarantee her an even bigger readership!


  1. It is very possible that more heterosexual men get more excited than lesbians do over pictures and stories of two women having sex. My girlfriend has an older male friend who is very interested in watching the two of us putting on a "show" for him, He has even offered to pay us a modeling fee if we would pose tor him. We did inquire about what he would like to see and in addition to some sex scenes he was very interested in us giving each other a spanking. My girlfriend and I are thinking about taking him up on this idea. I believe you are right on the mark when you said Jilly's book would have even more sales if spanking scenes are in her book.

  2. It is very possible that more heterosexual men get more excited than lesbians do over pictures and stories of two women having sex. My girlfriend has an older male friend who is very interested in watching the two of us putting on a "show" for him, He has even offered to pay us a modeling fee if we would pose tor him. We did inquire about what he would like to see and in addition to some sex scenes he was very interested in us giving each other a spanking. My girlfriend and I are thinking about taking him up on this idea. I believe you are right on the mark when you said Jilly's book would have even more sales if spanking scenes are in her book.

    1. Ladies who want to know how much guys enjoy a lesbian show performed to entertain a men-only audience need look no further:


      - Taskmaster

  3. Wow! I hope you do it. Sounds wonderfully kinky!


  4. OK! It will be done . Maybe this weekend, You will be the first to know.


  5. OK! It will be done . Maybe this weekend, You will be the first to know.


  6. Please keep me posted. Even if you do not go ahead with it I might well do a post on it!


  7. phwew, no keep us all posted - one stains, oops strains, just thinking of scenario

  8. Ok what's this Sexy Innocent thing, perhaps it's a girly thing but we chaps have to try and keep of - i got a Facebook thing when i searched but just sweetly vanilla - help
