Saturday 3 October 2015

The sexy innocent

My correspondent  James very kindly sent me some images of a carton female of whom I’d never even heard,  Jane, who I’ve now discovered used to  appear in the Daily Mirror. Jane was  a girl who was always getting herself into some sort of mischief and as a result ending up in her lingerie or less to the delight of the readers.

She appeared from 1932  to 1959 so at a guess I would say, leaving aside Henry Fielding’s Moll Flanders she could  arguably be the first example of that character we all love, the sexy innocent.

I’ve given you  couple of examples of the sexy innocent already, Carrie, and Maghela, and the sort of character that Madeline Smith tended to play in her films,  but there are  lots more.

The most classic example of the sexy innocent has to be the Barbara Windsor character in  Carry on Camping, petite  chirpy and busty , and the one whose bra was destined to shoot off during an exercise routine and giving everybody a micro flash of her cute titties while she gasped in horror.

This brief sequence  summed up what the sexy innocent is all about. The sexy innocent never forgets her mascara, and rarely forgets her suspenders,

but all to easily could forget her knickers.

All her clothes are too tight, too short, and too see through, and it never occurs to her that there is anything wrong with wearing a skirt so short it scarcely cover her bottom, or a top so low cut the world is mesmerised by the sight of her oversized boobs.

Weather she appears in a cartoon or on celluloid, whatever token clothing the sexy innocent  had on at the beginning is sure to be largely lost or torn by at least part  way through, and depending on the audience the narrative is aimed at, often lost completely.

The natural habitat of the sexy innocent is climbing over fences,

or perching on the top of high ladders guaranteeing us voyeurs a good eyeful of underwear and more.

The sexy innocent will always be in the  wrong place at the wrong time, misinterpreting what any occasion is all about.  

The sexy innocent is a disaster area, an accident waiting to happen and we her adoring public can’t wait for her next humiliation. The sexy innocent is destined to answer the front door when she’s forgotten she’s only half dressed,

Or to be at the exact place where there is a sudden gust of wind,

and of course, being the girl who always knocks over the paint or breaks the window, the sexy innocent is always finding herself being spanked.

She’ll be spanked for pretending to be a schoolgirl and being found out,

she’ll be spanked by her room mate for using all the milk,

she’ll be spanked by her boyfriend for losing most of her clothes at an important dinner,

and she’ll be  spanked by complete strangers for causing all sorts of  disaster and mayhem.

The thing about the sexy innocent is that she is never  resentful of any of this and starts out on each new adventure with a  smile on her face and her head  full of happy optimism.

And that’s why I for one really love her. My one complaint about all this? Where is the sexy innocent male we girls can fantasise about and have a good laugh over when he’s  caught washing his willy or only wearing a short vest? Nowhere, because there isn’t  one! Blatant sexism!     


  1. Good question Elizabeth. Perhaps there are some in Playgirl. It started off as a classy Playboy for women, but it pretty much turned into a gay man magazine.

    I can't remember if there were any of the cartoon type innocent man stuff. I think I only saw an issue or 2.

    But, I too get a kick out of the doe eyed sexy innocent that always seems to turn into the teasing exhibitionist

