Wednesday 2 September 2015

                     SORT OF OFF SUBJECT!

Had the most wonderful lunch today in a massive old house. It was given by a very posh and very sweet old lady plus her equally grand friends, and before we sat down, grace was said by a real vicar. (Yes, there are many different strands to my life!)

Being so much younger than everybody else there I was treated like a pet and wonderfully fussed over, and no doubt they all think what a charming young lady I am.

If only they knew that I write erotic books and host a blog like this! I can just imagine what that vicar would want to do to me!

1 comment:

  1. Simple cartoons like this often convey the sheer fun of spanking. His facial expression suggests mischievous enjoyment of what he's going to do. Hers indicates alarm and apprehension at what's to come. At least she can't see the size of his hand, which promises to turn her dismay into distress.

    - Taskmaster
