Sunday 20 September 2015

Women and erotic fiction

I have noticed that a large number of my Twitter followers are female writers of erotica with only the smallest handful  of men doing the same thing.

But when I think about it, women always have been the most notable producers of erotic literature, quite apart from E. L. James with Fifty Shades of Grey  we have Anais Ninn the doyenne of erotic writing, and of course Anne Desclos , AKA Pauline Reage,  who gave us the story of O.  Apart from these people there is the woman whose names escapes me whose blog Belle de Jour became an erotic novel and there are lots more. Additionally most of the quality newspapers have female journalists who regularly deal with the subject of sexual arousal and of course most of the women’s magazines have regular features on the subject. On the other hand, men’s  magazines have tended to rely on the three B’s (Bare Big Boobs ) to turn on their male readership and such commentary as there is can be summed up as ‘Phwoarre!’

 What you don’t get is any sort of analysis or discussion on the mysteries of sexual arousal. It is almost as if men are afraid of delving into that part of themselves and that they feel that if they confessed to having some kink or fetish that in some way would diminishes them.

There’s no doubt that we women can be as crude as men and enjoy the simple sight of  a delicious torso or a straining  cock,  but we know that there is more to sex than that.

The written or spoken  word can be such an aphrodisiac, stroking sensitive parts of us as effectively as finger tips or lips,

and I think we are more alive to that than men are.

Yes there are times when a simple and satisfying  fuck is all we need,  but so much of the time we want our imaginations to be stimulated as well. We want to be whirled off on a magic carpet of beautiful  arousal  and our bodies and minds taken to places previously new to us.

That means that not only are we more likely to be receptive to erotic literature, but also more likely to want to write it. I think I am right in saying that women don’t merely care how they feel sexually, they want to know why they feel that way sexually. That being the case, when they come to write about sex they have a deeper understanding of it. When a woman writes an erotic book, by its very nature it is designed to arouse the women reading it, but additionally it should help interpret those woman to themselves.

A previous article of mine dealt with the statistical fact that whereas most men described them selves as either straight or gay, a lot of women said that they  were ‘sexually flexible’ , happy to switch at will from heterosexual to  sapphic. That  flexibility says a lot. It suggests an openness  to new sexual experiences and a willingness, if not a hunger, to explore and experiment.

That being the, case not surprising that women have a more deep rooted understanding of their erotic selves and therefore are more able to describe it on the page.

Speaking for myself, I found writing Educating Anna arousing in its own  right. It took me several months during which all my thoughts and concentration was on how this ripe and inquisitive young female felt, living out in  my mind the exciting humiliation of that first spanking,

finding out all the wonderful things she could do with an erection,

and of course discovering that exploring the sweet pleasures of a compliant girl’s body was yet another way to experience erotic pleasure.

I included in the book a mixture of things I had experienced in my own sexual  life and things I would have loved to have happened to me. Yes I masturbated a great deal while writing it,

but if it  hadn’t excited me, then there would have been little chance of it exciting you. But that is the whole point of erotic literature, to lubricate the imagination and open it up to the myriad possibilities of sexual pleasure. As I keep saying, you’ll just have to read it for yourselves when it comes out.   



  1. It does not surprise me that women are the more prolific writers of erotica, Elizabeth.

    For a long time, most women were not even considered sexual. To show signs of sexuality was to be stigmatized a harlot and a whore.

    It is no wonder that the fantasies brewing in the female mind were so torrid. The outlet was writing and most often needing an alias to do so.

    Today, when women are now (for the most part at least in the free world) comfortable with their sexuality enough to explore it and accept it, even when it delves into the kinkier side, and can not only openly write about their fantasies but do so with real names. And as more aware and comfortable, can shout to the world, I am sexual, I have needs and desires and they need to be met.

    Men have pretty much always had an outlet for sex. Over here, whorehouses were some of the most successful businesses since our country started maturing. Then printed porn, prolific and men were expected and completely acceptable to buy it. Porn theaters were on every third street in some places, and sure men maybe held their heads down when going in, but no one thought twice of it. There was no way a women could do so.

    Now just look at the plethera of sexual blogs written by women. The many many books. Women producing mainstream porn. They range from the truly great talents like you, that have such a vivid imagination and the ability to elequently pen your thoughts and fantasies and experiences, to the inept and just about unreadable (50 shades) that have a voice.


    1. Beautifully expressed, but one small carp. Wonderful as it is to see it in print, I do not have a great talent, but if my thoughts on matters erotic keep you and others interested and stimulated then I am happy.


  2. Ah, contact made hence earlier 'test' after several frustrating attempts

    so wonderful, Elizabeth has arisen from her torpor and thanks to her attendant 'cupbearer', think of Ganamede etc i am now in awareness - how i wonder would i have otherwise known - nothing in the 'ft' etc and no hoardings to announce the existence of Ivory Tower but then i'm no 'it' expert

    however whatever i'm now, too, in attendance and have gorged myself on all since

    i am aware that this is really a girly site but a chap needs to know what the ladies are thinking, expecting and desiring so this is a wonderful source for us to keep up and be informed by an expert

    one observation i will make is that it is so sensitive of Elizabeth to choose chaps in a reasonable 'alert' state of the sort that could otherise give a fellow an inferiority complex

    so onwards and upwards and hurrah for the return

    now i wonder is there scope for one to make a picture contribution - i must sit back and absorb all here on offer - such a delight


  3. ah 17 september - bicycles

    the picture of the slut mounting with a young boy comes from a delightful French film, she is wearing a mouthwatering yellow sweater, it is quite some time ago but i recall she is the boy's stepmother and adventures occur - use your imagination


  4. ah again now i must draw a line for the moment but Lawrence A-T on 13 September and THE STRIGEL

    well i recall just about two years ago this was shown at the Tate, on the north side of the Thames not that awful place across the river

    it was enjoyable just watching people's reaction to the painting, particularly young girls who would stand, stare in incomprehension and then shyly giggle.................such sweet innocence


    1. Wonderful to see you unique prose again. Will go on trying to keep you amused.

      If you can find which French film the girl on the bicycle was in (girl, not slut James!) I would be very pleased to know.

      I also saw the Lawrence AT in the Tate, but many years back in an exhibition of the Victorian Nude. I still have the big glossy book that was issued at the same time amongst my art books.

      Looking forward to further comments from you.


  5. Nice article. I have found in my flexible way that one big difference between men and women when it comes to making love is foreplay. With women it's never ending foreplay and that is what makes the climax so intense. however with men it is a very small part of the process. Most of my male experiences have been with college guys so I may not have a good control group for judging men, but I feel it is pretty universal that men short cut foreplay. Thus that is the reason that most good sexual fiction is written by women. One has to use a lot more imagination when pursuing pleasure over a longer period of time.

    I thought it was interesting when you told us you masturbated many time while writing your book I get much more turned on by the printed word than by most photos. I have tried to write short stories that I fantasized about while I was in my Ivory Tower but my writing skills leave something to be desired and I fail to get myself aroused. You must have fun just thinking!

  6. Oh how I agree with you about foreplay. one of the many good things about enjoying women as well.
